Previous Grants

Past Grants

Development Grant

Integration of Behavioral Health Into Primary Care 

The River Valley Health Network (RVHN) was awarded The Rural Health Network Development Program Grant awarded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
The Development Grant is a 3-year grant from July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020. 

This project is collaboration between the members of the previous Lac qui Parle Health Network including Appleton Area Health in Appleton, Johnson Memorial Health Services in Dawson and Madison Healthcare Services in Madison; and Woodland Centers Mental Health Providers. 

Goal 1:
Develop system efficiencies that lead to integrated behavioral health and primary care and shared cost savings in the RVHN region.

Goal 2:
To reduce the stigma associated with seeking behavioral health wellness, prevention and treatment services and increase community awareness and understanding of behavioral health issues and resources available in the community.

Anticipated Outcomes:

  • Increased comforts in seeking help/talking about behavioral health issues.
  • Reduced stigma in the community about behavioral health.
  • Increased awareness in the community of behavioral health wellness, prevention and treatment resources.
  • Increased utilization of behavioral health resources in the RVHN region.
  • Prevent serious and/or chronic illness by early identification and intervention.
  • Improved population health

The Development Grant will build on the strategic plan created by the Planning Grant to build a sustainable system for providing integrated behavioral health and primary care. 

Planning Grant

Behavioral Health Integration Planning Grant 

The previous Lac qui Parle Health Network was awarded a one year grant by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).


Strategies for the grant include:

Increased collaboration and efficiencies among primary care and behavioral health service providers.


  • Compare recently completed community health needs assessments
  • Complete an asset mapping process
  • Complete a strategic planning process for the development of innovative strategies.
  • Create a prioritized set of health improvement activities


Increase the number of behavioral health screening and referrals by 25 percent. 


  • Develop a consistent and streamlined system for screening and referrals for behavioral health issues in the primary care setting


Develop plan to inform the community about changes in health care landscape and access to behavioral health wellness and prevention and treatment services. 


  • Identify audiences to communicate to
  • Identify communication channels to use for each audience identified 
  • Identify key communication messages


Anticipated Outcomes:

  • Increased utilization of behavioral health resources
  • Increased awareness in the community of behavioral health resources
  • Improved Population Health Outcomes for Behavioral Health

The Overall Goal is to “Create a sustainable system for providing integrated behavioral health and primary care to improve overall population health”. 

Project Partners Include:

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